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Customer feedback for your website

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an email info@hostsurveys.com or by giving us a call
on 01-8901011, we'll do our best to help.

How we can help

You know it's important to get feedback from your customers. You need to understand their needs and deliver offers that are attractive, You want them to come back again and tell others about your business - your success depends on it.

Whether you sell coffee, petrol, clothes, sinks or hotel rooms, whether you're an online business or have a 'bricks and mortar' operation, it's the same - you'll want valuable customers to be doing business with you.

As a survey company we believe in the value of getting customer feedback and that all businesses should be doing it. We help many retail businesses get a handle on the customer insights they can use to help their customers and for their business to be more successful.

  • Find out what customers really think of you.
  • Discover the good aspects of what you do from the customers' perspective
  • Identify problem areas and eliminate negative customer experiences
  • Quickly spot customers having difficulties with your product or service and be in a position to help them when it counts.
  • Compare your business versus industry norms in your sector

We offer a variety of fast and affordable survey solutions which will allow you to have a first class customer feedback system that will give you the insights you can use. It's not just for big organisations, we've designed highly scalable solutions that work for both larger retail networks and for single outlet businesses. You can avail of the very same approaches and systems at the level that works for you.

  • Paper and electronic Customer comment systems
  • Website intercepts (pop-unders, popovers etc).
  • Mobile friendly

Understand your customers

Learn more about your customers so that you can make the best offers for them (and you).

Understand your customers

Discover more about their wants and how they deal with you.

Enhance your Customers' Experience

Discover how to make it easier to deal with you.

Enhance your Customers' Experience

Learn which improvements you can implement.

24 hour online report access

Be in a position to address problems quickly so that you can save good customers and increase customer advocacy.

24 hour online report access

Receive 'Red Alert' emails so that you learn quickly about important customer issues.

Increase Customer Loyalty

Learn to retain customers and increase profits.

Increase Customer Loyalty

See if you can customers to sing your praises.